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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tuesday Tidbits

As election day approaches, here are some interesting facts for you:

The first black U.S. Senator was Hiram Revels, elected to his position in1870. In the state in which Mr. Revels lived, election to the United States Senate was not done by popular vote at the time, but rather those in the State congress elected a member of the State congress to represent them at the national level. Mr. Revels was elected to the State Senate, where he was at one time asked to lead the Senate in its opening prayer. The prayer was so eloquent and so moving that his colleagues decided to elect him to represent them on the national level. What state was he from? Mississippi, the Confederacy stronghold. Mr. Revels took the seat that once belonged to Jefferson Davis, who had abandoned it less than 10 years earlier to become the president of the Confederacy.

The first popularly elected black person into national office was Jefferson Long, a freed slave. Elected in 1870 to represent the people of the state of Georgia, which still held bitter sentiment about losing the Civil War. He served in Conress a short 3 months, fulfilling the term of a white colleague who had been forced to resign.

Isn't it interesting that the first two African Americans to fill national office were both from southern states?

"I have come to the conclusion that politics is much to serious a matter to be left to the politicians."

Charled De Gaulle

"The reason there are so few female politicians is because it is far too much trouble to put make-up on two faces."

Maureen Murphy

What do the Chicago Cubs and the St. Louis Cardinals have in common?

Neither have won a World Series in their new ball parks.

Go Cards!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Hellloooooooooo!!!! Blogger dude.

    YEAH CARDS!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's like Friday man and you haven't updated, what's up with that?
