I do not publish comments that are left anonymously. I expect people to take responsibility for what they say.

If you comment anonymously, I won't even read it. All comments are sent to my email address prior to publication. When I see that a comment was left by "ANONYMOUS", I delete it without opening it. If you don't care enough to take responsibility for what you say, then I don't care enough to know what it is you've said.

What is always welcome is open discussion in a spirit of mutual respect.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Anonymous Comments

I recently had someone, despite the disclaimer on the side of my blog that I would not post anonymous comments, post 2 comments anonymously (At least, I assume it was the same person, as they were left on the same article at nearly the same time). I will not post them on my blog. I want to review, however, why.

I will not post anonymous comments for one main reason. I have an expectation that people take responsibility for what they say. The person commented that it seems contrary "to what blogging is about" that I should not allow anonymous comments. I guess that depends on what you think a blog is. For me, a blog is my way to communicate with others. If you want to communicate back, feel free, but take responsibility for what you say. I've had a really, really bad experience in the past with people being able to leave anonymous comments that were insulting, degrading, and downright mean. By commenting anonymously, they can say whatever they want to say and pretend everywhere else to be nice. I have no interest in allowing that kind of interchange on my blog. Respect is my number 1 rule. And it's MY blog, so I'll do with it what I want. If you want your comment posted, attach your name.

The person ended the critique of my decision not to allow anonymous comments with "Weak." I'm of the exact opposite opinion. Weakness is hiding behind anonymity so that you cannot be held accountable for what you say. Real strength is saying what you have to say and letting others know that you have said it.

I can only assume that it was the same person that left the suggestion that I blog about why I'm not a priest anymore. Suggestion noted. I'm not saying I will blog about that, but it is something on which I have not reflected in a long time. I've now been away from the active ministry as a priest for 5 years. Perhaps it's time to return to the subject with 5 years of family experience behind me.

Any thoughts (non-anonymously offered) are appreciated.


  1. You have every right to disable anonymous comments. I think if people had to stand by their names they'd be more kind and less prone to vitriol, and the web would be a better place. I'm always sickened by the things that are said on the really big blogs (CNN, etc.) on the topic of disabilities, for instance...things no one would ever dare say if they didn't feel emboldened by the fact that they weren't ever going to be called to task for inappropriate behavior.

  2. Jackie T3:07 PM

    I agree with you 100%. I personally believe those who want to comment anonymously are cowards. Besides, as you say, it's your blog...thus, your rules!
