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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Still Sick

We've been giving Jacob his antiobotics for a week now, and he just didn't seem to be getting any better.

Lesley took him back to the doctor today, who said that now he has an ear infection. We had been giving him a pretty low dose of amoxycillin. We've also noticed that he's had some diarrhea and a rash. We kind of expected the diarrhea. Antibiotics can do that. But the rash makes us think that he's probably allergic to the amoxycillin. He would get that from daddy.

I'm allergic to penicillin, and the differing variations thereof. We're going to let the doc know about the rash to see what he thinks.

Anyway, the doc gave him a prescription for azithromycin, "Super-Antibiotic." Hopefully, this will take care of him. The poor little guy is so miserable right now. You can see it in his eyes.


  1. Hi. This is Richelle P. My mom said to leave you a comment telling you to update more. Good luck with the sickness curing.


  2. Anonymous7:55 AM

    It is a bummer when they get sick, you just want to have god switch roles with you and your child. I hate to see them that way. The bad thing is they just dont know what is going on and they are looking to you to fix it. Hope everyone get better soon. Jacob looks like a very happy boy.
