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Friday, February 02, 2007

Time, Time, Time

See what's become of me?

You know. You go to work.

You come home.

You go to school.

You stop by the store.

You change a diaper.
You eat a Reese's Peanut Cup.

You do some homework.

You hold your baby.

You take out the trash.

You find a dime on the ground.

You drink a cup of tea.

You stop by McDonald's.

You gas up your car and wash the windshield while you're there.

You wait in line.


Your lips get chapped because of the cold.

You sleep.

You get some laundry done.

And scrub your tub.

And get old.

And the tic, tic, toc of the clock doesn't slow or speed up.

Relentless, the unstoppable object.

And it's been two weeks since you've blogged,

or checked your email,

or phoned the people who are closest to you.


  1. Anonymous10:11 AM

    This crazy cycle never changes, you just add more things to it over time when Jacob gets older.

  2. Anonymous12:34 PM

    And...two weeks since you've posted pictures or given us some sort of update...and if it weren't for a friend of yours, I might not even know that you were still around. But, alas, a baby does keep you busy and spare time is hard to find. Hope things are going great for you all!

  3. Hello Jamie, Lesley & baby Jacob,

    So good to read of your happiness. We think of the two of you often and now will have Jacob to keep in our thoughts and prayers.
    Congratulations!! We'll hope to see you at Target again one day so we can meet your son.

    Ruth Ann & Kathryn

    From Kathryn: Hi,I miss you Jamie. I know you'll be a good daddy. Congratulations!!!!!!!

  4. Hello Jamie, Lesley, and Jacob,

    Congratulations on the newest edition to your family. We are so happy for all of you.
    We can't wait to see you in Target one day so that we can meet your son.

    Our prayers are for your happiness.

    Kathryn and Ruth Ann
