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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Nothing New, But Good News

I've had a few people lately comment on how there hasn't been any blogging for a bit. That's true. I've been pretty busy with stuff at work. And this is just a catch-up to what's been going on in our lives.

I'm gearing up for my next semester at school. Forging ahead with the academic work I need to complete so that I can eventually be a licensed counselor. Work is going on as usual. I love working with the kids. Teenagers are just cool.

Lesley is dreading her return to work next week. Other than that, she just continues to amaze me with what a good mommy she is.

Jacob is, well, awake more now. We're trying to get his night and day rhythms worked out, but it might be a while yet. As of today, he's still "negative one week old." That's the way we were told to think about him developmentally. He smiles a lot though, probably just as much as he screams. He's a little chatter box, too. Of course, most of his chatter is just grunts and grimaces.

We're doing fine. Everyone is still healthy, which is a real blessing considering how much cold and flu has gone through our families over the holidays.

And that's all the news. When I can, I'll put up some more pictures and maybe some top ten's and maybe even a few pick-up lines.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:23 PM

    It is so great to hear the family is doing good. Tell Lesley for the first few weeks she will be calling the caregiver every hour or couple of hours. Then it tapers off from there. I am sure you have lots of offers for babysitting but it grandma's can't take care of him make sure you call me. I am really glad things are going so good for you guys, you truly deserve it. Blog when you can. Mel
