Lesley and I were talking the other day about God's omniscience and human free will. You know, the kind of thing most people talk about on the way to the grocery store.
Anyway, we were discussing how human free will works with God being omniscient, and it occurred to me that God is like a GPS tracker.
When we were on vacation in San Diego, we rented a car and got a GPS computer to show us around San Diego. The GPS guided us through San Diego. "In 1 mile, turn right," it would say. Or, "In .2 miles, stay left." Or, "In 1 mile, turn right and arrive at destination." (This last part was usually pronounced in a very smug voice, as if this little box were very proud of itself fro having guided us correctly.)
Every once in a while, because of traffic or maybe because there was something up ahead that looked interesting, we weren't able or chose not to follow the directions of the GPS. Then the machine would flash, "Revising Route." It would then change the directions it would give us in order to guide us back to where we were supposed to be.
That's a lot like how God's omniscience and human free will work. God knows the way we are supposed to go, and is constantly giving us directions because he sees the whole path we are supposed to take. We, however, are driving the vehicle, and so we have control over whether we follow God's directions. If we can't, or more often, choose not to follow God's lead, he revises our route, and faithfully begins to give us new directions to get us back on track.
God is faithful, and will always be there to guide us, even when we take turns, or refuse to turn, when he tells us to do something else.
GPS: God's Positioning System.
Anyway, here's pictures of the baby: